About Us
We are a small, hobby breeder located in the Tampa, Florida area.
We breed only when we want to keep something from the litter ourselves to show. Our goal is to improve our line and create not only beautiful, healthy, and mentally sound dogs, but wonderful family companions. Our dogs are raised in our home with our family, not in a kennel atmosphere.
Via a selective breeding program we strive to produce structurally correct and healthy dogs of sound temperament.
We are members of the AKC Parent Club (English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association).
We believe dogs are a lifetime commitment and will carefully screen each new owner to ensure that our pups find lifetime homes. Our commitment to our puppies spans their lifetime as well. As an owner, you may contact us at any time for grooming, training, or concerns and we will be happy to help you. We ask that our puppy owners keep in touch with us for a lifetime so that we know what our dogs have become and use that as a learning tool to improve our program.
We are conformation (show) enthusiasts. We also train in obedience and are dabbling in agility. Our dogs would do well in the home, field, ring, agility course, or as therapy dogs. We love this breed. Come see us at a show! We are happy to speak with you and let you meet and greet our dogs!
